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Undulating Mosaic Substrates

  • Snow Farm | The New England Craft Program 5 Clary Road Williamsburg, MA 01096 (map)

Learn to create textured, 2.5-D substrates for mosaics using a number of different techniques. Each student will create their own unique backer and then tile it using a combination of glass, ceramic and found objects. Although the pieces we create will not be traditional, students will leave with a thorough understanding of the mosaic process and a deeper knowledge of mosaic materials. Join us to add depth and texture to your mosaics, and to break the rules! All levels welcome.

October 12 is the arrival day for this session. Workshop instruction starts on October 13 and ends October 17.

Learn more and register on the Snow Farm site

May 22

3D Mosaic Sculpture with Pal Tiya (Snow Farm)